Embedding adaptation in the TAYplan Strategic Development Plan 2012-13

Case Study Complete
Date added: 11/07/2016
Embedding climate change adaptation in the award winning TAYplan Strategic Development Plan 2012-13

The TAYplan region covers an area of 8,112 square kilometres including Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross and the northern part of Fife. TAYplan is innovative and forward-looking in putting climate change adaptation at its heart. It is among the first strategic development plans in the UK to place such strong emphasis on spatial planning as a means to increase resilience to climate change.

In 2011 TAYplan won the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Silver Jubilee Cup for being “original and visionary in scope”. This included the novel way in which climate change resilience and adaptation measures were integrated into long-term planning strategy.

The plan identifies a range of cross-service actions which focus on creating climate resilience by considering the appropriateness of location and layout of developments. For example:

  • avoiding development in areas of flood risk, coastal erosion and rising sea levels;
  • using sustainable urban drainage systems to reduce surface water runoff; and
  • identifying and enhancing existing green infrastructure.

Adaptation is embedded in the current iteration of TAYplan. Climate change adaptation workshops, run in partnership with Adaptation Scotland, have helped to raise awareness and train colleagues on adaptation, as well as identify where policy changes could be made to promote greater integration of climate change adaptation measures.

Pam Ewen, TAYplan Manager, gives an interview on the project as part of the Scotland's Climate Stories film below: