Training, support and additional resources

The Adaptation Capability Framework is complemented by a suite of relevant training and support.

We hosted a series of webinars to introduce users to the Adaptation Capability Framework, and understand further how to use it to build organisational capacity across the four capabilities to ensure that public sector organisations are adapting to climate change. The webinars covered some of the key concepts of climate change adaptation, and what the UK Climate Projections 2019 (UKCP18) means for Scotland.

The Adaptation Capability Framework is used to benchmark an organisation’s adaptation maturity level. This process is supported through the Adaptation Scotland Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network (PSCAN). During 2024, the members of the PSCAN will support the Adaptation Scotland programme team to refresh and update the Framework and Benchmarking Tool, with additional guidance for the ‘Advanced’ and ‘Mature’ stages.

To learn more about the Capability Framework and the Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network, please contact or sign up for the Adaptation Scotland newsletter to get updates.

Webinar: Using the Benchmarking Tool

Webinar: Introducing the Adaptation Capability Framework