Building climate resilient, low carbon schools with Colmonell Primary School
Case Study CompleteDate added: 06/07/2016
The new Colmonell Primary School building opened in 2011 and is a climate resilient, low carbon building.
The building is super-insulated and naturally ventilated with heating provided by high efficiency air source heat pumps. All lighting is low energy and an automatic heating control and window system ensures that it is easy to manage the temperature of classrooms and offices, helping them stay warm in the winter and preventing overheating in the summer.
Natural materials were used throughout including recycled-content building materials, newspaper insulation, natural wooden paneling, and goat hair carpets.
The school has a grass roof which helps insulate the building, promote biodiversity and also provides a controlled runoff for rainwater which is collected and used in the school gardens.
Outside the building raised flower and vegetable beds, open air class extensions, rainwater collection areas and functional spaces for teaching and play have been added help improve the learning and teaching experience.